Rural Enterprise Development Trust undertakes projects which provide members the opportunity to invest in rural communities across Zimbabwe and to advance their own initiatives across Zimbabwe. We work with local authorities and communities to bring about social and economic development, while providing investors and opportunity-seekers inroads into rural communities
Rural Enterprise Development Trust is a membership-driven organisation. Members of the trust are drawn from a wide range of sectors and boast of diverse expertise which is harnessed through Rural Enterprise Development Trust's programming to ensure maximum benefit to members and a high rate of success in all the projects undertaken by the trust and its members.
Rural Enterprise Development Trust was established in November 2021. Rural Enterprise Development Trust's mission is to promote and facilitate economic and social development in rural areas across Zimbabwe.
Borne out of the understanding that rural communities have a wealth of resources which include land, mineral wealth, and human capital, Rural Enterprise Development Trust believes that development of rural communities will result in rapid, sustainable development of Zimbabwe's national economy.